Publication Planning and Execution

Our experience and expertise provides a strategic approach to publication planning and
delivery for efficient research dissemination.

Publication Planning & Support services

Publication Planning and Delivery: Amplifying Scientific Impact

At Enago Life Sciences, we help frame the right narrative and create a publication planning strategy to effectively develop and disseminate your scientific and clinical research findings. Our approach involves crafting customized solutions to meet your unique objectives. A dedicated team that is both agile and scalable adapts to your requirements focusing on the clarity and accuracy of the message along with amplified reach among the relevant scientific communities.

Our Approach

Strategic Coverage

We combine our result-oriented consulting, planning, medical writing, and engagement expertise, to provide customized solutions for every objective across most therapeutic areas. Our publication teams collaborate with clients to formulate comprehensive publication plans in adherence to Good Publication Practices (GPP)or any other requested guidelines.

Focused Communication: Precision Through Therapeutic Expertise

We make your data more meaningful, provide clinical context, and ensure insightful engagement between you and the target audience. Our team of scientific writers, actively contribute to developing abstracts, posters, and manuscripts, using any and every source/reference material you provide, right from raw data to clinical study reports to published literature.

Maximizing Impact: Digital Strategies for Broader Reach

Our team of medical writers and digital experts work closely together to employ an omnichannel approach to enhance the impact of your publications, enabling prompt reach to larger audiences through customized engagement channels.

Publication Planning Approach

Our Services

  • Global and regional strategic and tactical publication plan development
  • Publication plan tracking/ management utilizing client-mandated software as needed
  • Primary and secondary manuscripts, narratives, and systematic reviews
  • Journal review revision and resubmission
  • Abstracts, posters, oral presentations and competitive intelligence
  • Multichannel tactics (digital posters, video abstracts, author videos, etc.)
  • Editing, fact checking, plagiarism checking, data mining
  • Translation/localization support

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What Sets Us Apart

Enago Life Sciences Rich Publishing Experience

Rich Publishing Experience

Enago has vast experience working with medical and journal publishers, helping researchers succeed in publishing their research, making it a preferred partner.

Enago Life Sciences Success Partnership

Scalable and Customizable

Your objectives are paramount. We provide solutions adaptable to your needs. Our team is flexible and scalable to your project requirements.

Enago Life Sciences Our Core Team

Core Team

Our experienced leadership in medical communications and publishing has effectively overseen global scientific exchange in the Americas, Europe, and APAC region.

Enago Life Sciences Global reach and local networks

Global Reach and
Local Networks

We offer global-scale efficiency along with local-market responsiveness. Our network can support your medical communications needs locally and globally.

Enago Life Sciences Expertise throughout drug development

Expertise Throughout Drug Development

Our experienced team collaborates with you to provide solutions from the initial discovery phase through to the post-market launch stages across therapeutic areas.

Enago Life Sciences Localization Leadership

Localization in
200+ Languages

We provide end to end localization solutions, and have worked with some of the biggest names in the industry to help them meet their globalization goals.

Thought Leadership

Client Testimonials

Frequently Asked Questions

Publication planning involves the strategic development and execution of plans to disseminate research findings through various forms of publications. It includes deciding where and when to publish, target audience identification, and ensuring adherence to ethical and regulatory guidelines.
Yes, compliance with the Good Publication Practice (GPP) guidelines, such as GPP 2022, is crucial. It ensures transparency, integrity, and ethical conduct in the publication process, promoting trust in research and preventing issues like bias or incomplete reporting. You can also read our Publications policy here.
The process typically includes identifying potential journals and congresses, drafting manuscripts, identifying and coordinating with authors, ensuring compliance with publication guidelines, addressing reviewer comments, and planning the timing of submissions.
Estimating publication planning costs involves considering factors such as manuscript writing, editing, submission fees, open-access charges, and potential expenses for professional services. Many publication planning services offer customized cost estimates based on individual needs.
Strategic publication planning aligns the dissemination of research findings with broader business objectives, maximizing the impact and visibility of the research. It facilitates effective communication with target audiences and supports regulatory, marketing, and educational goals, ultimately driving scientific leadership and commercial success.
Publication planning should commence early in the research process, ideally during the study design phase. Early planning allows for a more integrated approach to managing the publication timeline, aligning with key scientific and marketing milestones, and ensuring a consistent narrative across all communications.
Optimal timing for publication planning is critical and should coincide with the early phases of study design. This approach ensures that publication activities are fully integrated with clinical and regulatory milestones, facilitating a proactive rather than reactive publishing strategy that maximizes the visibility and impact of the research.
We customize publication plans based on your specific therapeutic area, study data, and commercial goals. Our tailored strategies are designed to enhance the profile of your research within the scientific community, support evidence-based marketing, and align with overall business objectives, ensuring that each publication strategically contributes to your broader goals.